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Recruitment, Service Cover, ARRS, Locuming.
All Clinical MDT Roles
Physician Associates, Clinical Pharmacists, ANPs, Paramedics and GPs

Here are a few examples of where Locum PA have helped our happy clients.
Locum PA cater for both Primary and Secondary Care
We provide Medical Services on contractual or temporary basis to:
General Practice
Walk in Centres
Surgical wards & Surgical Assisting
Private Health Care

Berrymead GP Surgery
GP located in Buckinghamshire and serve 12,000 patients.
Berrymead Surgery had struggled to recruit a salaried GP for a long time and was relying on an irregular locum pool of GPs and other staff with gaps in their rota. A high turnover and rota gaps were unsustainable and needed an alternative solution to help with regular service provision and patient demand.
They required an experienced clinician who could:
see patients of any age,
see undifferentiated patients presenting with acute and chronic diseases.
We approached the surgery and offered some taster sessions to show them how experienced Physician Associates work in primary care. We saved them 40% on locum agency costs with our regular medical service providers. They were pleased with the scope and breadth of experienced Physician Associates. They subsequently hired permenant staff through Locum PA.

Walk in Centre
Walk in Centre located in the London capital
Open 8-8pm, 7 days a week
A walk-in centre consisting of two GPs, a Nurse and an ANP approached us for assistance. Due to the vast number of patients visiting the centre, they needed other generalist clinicians to help lighten the load. A trial of our experienced PAs showed the client that PAs could appropriately and safely see the undifferentiated, acute and chronic presentations in this environment and also help with wound management. The client then grew a pool of regular workers covering pre-planned rotas and ad-hoc bookings in times of need.